Experienced Sourcing Professionals

With Manufacturing Capabilities Throughout
the United States, Asia, and Mexico


We are a Strategic Sourcing and Product Development Company


For over 22 years, as a strategic sourcing and product development company, we have been helping companies set up reliable supply chains in countries like The United States, China, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and India. With offices and strategic relationships around the world, we can personally manage your production from the concept stage to delivery at your door. Our process is very simple.

Years of experience have allowed us to fine tune our process to the point where we can deliver a high-quality product at a price that is still very competitive.

Let us take on the headaches of manufacturing overseas so you can focus on making your product successful in the marketplace. Give us a call today. We look forward to serving you!

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Make your product successful in the marketplace

Let us manage your overseas manufacturing

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